A Collection of Rare Books in the History of Physical Education
from the "Survival of the Fittest" to "Fitting the Many to Survive"
No | タイトル | 版 | VOL | 資料ID | 請求番号 | Collection-No. |
1 | A guide to the history of physical education | 10206561 | 375.49/C84c/77 | 77 | ||
2 | A history and philosophy of sport and physical education | 2nd ed | 10206489 | 375.49/C84c/80 | 80 | |
3 | A world history of physical education | 10206564 | 375.49/C84c/81 | 81 | ||
4 | Abbildungen von Turn-Uebungen | 5. Auflage | 10206494 | 375.49/C84c/8 | 8 | |
5 | An elementary course of gymnastic exercises ; intended to develop and improve the physical powers of man | 10206490 | 375.49/C84c/4 | 4 | ||
6 | An elementary course of gymnastic exercises ; intended to develop and improve the physical powers of man ; with the report made to the medical faculty of paris on the subject ; and a new and complete treatise on the art of swimming | 4 ed | 10206491 | 375.49/C84c/5 | 5 | |
7 | Annual report for 1909 of the chief medical officer of the Board of Education | 10206531 | 375.49/C84c/43 | 43 | ||
8 | Ärztliche Zimmergymnastik oder System der ohne Gerät und Beistand überall ausführbaren heilgymnastischen Freiübungen als Mittel der Gesundheit und Lebenstüchtigkeit für beide Geschlechter und jedes Alter | 24. Aufl. | 10206522 | 375.49/C84c/37 | 37 | |
9 | Catalogue of gymnastic apparatus ; Gymnasium construction ; Price list of gymnastic apparatus, applying to catalogs F-9, F-10, and F-11 | 10206554 | 375.49/C84c/66 | 66 | ||
10 | Classical studies on physical activity | 10206534 | 375.49/C84c/46 | 46 | ||
11 | Contributions to the hygienic treatment of paralysis, and of paralytic deformities | 10206521 | 375.49/C84c/31 | 31 | ||
12 | Das ganze der Gymnastik oder ausführliches Lehrbuch der Leibesübungen nach den Grundsätzen der bessern Erziehung zum öffentlichen und besondern Unterricht | 10206526 | 375.49/C84c/41 | 41 | ||
13 | Das Knaben-Turnen | 2. verm. und verb, mit einem Anhange vers. Aufl | 10206520 | 375.49/C84c/36 | 36 | |
14 | Das Turnen in den Freiübungen für beide Geschlechter | 2. Aufl. | 10206527 | 375.49/C84c/39-1 | 39-1 | |
15 | Das Turnen in den Gemeinübungen in einer Lehre von den Ordnungsverhältnissen bei den Gliederungen einer Mehrzahl für beide Geschlechter | 2. Aulf. | 10206530 | 375.49/C84c/39-4 | 39-4 | |
16 | Das Turnen in den Hangübungen für beide Geschlechter | 2. Aufl. | 10206528 | 375.49/C84c/39-2 | 39-2 | |
17 | Das Turnen in den Stemmübungen für beide Geschlechter | 2. Aufl. | 10206529 | 375.49/C84c/39-3 | 39-3 | |
18 | Der Turnunterricht entwikelt aus den natürlichen Bewegungsformen ein Rategeber für das Turnen in Schule und Verein | 10206541 | 375.49/C84c/53 | 53 | ||
19 | Der Vorturner | 2 Aufl | 10206551 | 375.49/C84c/63 | 63 | |
20 | Die Aesthetische Gymnastik | v. 1 v. 2 v. 3 |
10206503 10206504 10206505 |
375.49/C84c/24-4-1 375.49/C84c/24-4-2 375.49/C84c/24-4-3 |
24-4-1 24-4-2 24-4-3 |
21 | Die Deutsche Turnkunst zur Einrichtung der Turnplätze | 10206499 | 375.49/C84c/18 | 18 | ||
22 | Die Heilgymnastik | 10206500 | 375.49/C84c/24-2 | 24-2 | ||
23 | Die Pädagogische Gymnastik | 2. Aufl | 10206501 | 375.49/C84c/24-1 | 24-1 | |
24 | Die Turnübungen des gemischten Sprunges | 2. verb. und verm. Aufl | 10206511 | 375.49/C84c/25 | 25 | |
25 | Die Wehrgymnastik | 10206502 | 375.49/C84c/24-3 | 24-3 | ||
26 | Dumb bell exercises | 10206532 | 375.49/C84c/44 | 44 | ||
27 | Dumb-bells | 10206542 | 375.49/C84c/54 | 54 | ||
28 | Education | 10206524 | 375.49/C84c/38 | 38 | ||
29 | Éducation et Harmonie des mouvements | 7 éd., | 10206539 | 375.49/C84c/51 | 51 | |
30 | Education through physical education | 3, ed. rev | 10206559 | 375.49/C84c/71 | 71 | |
31 | Efficiency of human movement | 3rd ed | 10206533 | 375.49/C84c/45 | 45 | |
32 | Encyclopedia of sport sciences and medicine | 10206545 | 375.49/C84c/57 | 57 | ||
33 | Exercise in education and medicine | 10206550 | 375.49/C48c/62 | 62 | ||
34 | Fitness in American culture | 10206481 | 375.49/C84c/73 | 73 | ||
35 | Geräteturnen der Jugend | 10206543 | 375.49/C84c/55 | 55 | ||
36 | Ginnastica femminile | 10206525 | 375.49/C84c/40 | 40 | ||
37 | Gymnastics | 10206506 10206507 10206508 10206509 |
375.49/C84c/19 375.49/C84c/20 375.49/C84c/21 375.49/C84c/22 |
19 20 21 22 |
38 | Gymnastics exercises without apparatus, according to Ling's System, for the due development and strengthening of the human body | 10206517 | 375.49/C84c/35 | 35 | ||
39 | Gymnastik für die Jugend | 10206482 | 375.49/C84c/11 | 11 | ||
40 | Hieronymi mercvrialis de arte gymnastica libri sex, In quibus exercitationum omnium vetuftarum genera, loca, modi, facultates, & quidquid denique ad corporis humani exercitationes pertinet, diligenter explicatur | 3. ed | 10206513 | 375.49/C84c/1 | 1 | |
41 | Hints to gymnasts being sound advice and hints to leaders and teachers in gymnasia and schools | 10206495 | 375.49/C84c/9 | 9 | ||
42 | Home gymnastics for young and old | 10206498 | 375.49/C84c/17 | 17 | ||
43 | Indian clubs | 10206538 | 375.49/C84c/50 | 50 | ||
44 | Instructions in all kinds of gymnastic exercises, as taught and practised in the gymnastic institutions of Germany : designed as well for colleges, schools, and other places of education, as for private use | 10206497 | 375.49/C84c/13 | 13 | ||
45 | Kinetic jottings rare and curious books in the Library of the old Royal Central Institute of gymnastics | 10206479 | 375.49/C84c/75 | 75 | ||
46 | La machine animale locomotion terrestre et aérienne | 4 éd | 10206512 | 375.49/C84c/26 | 26 | |
47 | Laerebog i Gynastik. | 10206510 | 375.49/C84c/23 | 23 | ||
48 | Landmarks in the history of physical education | 10206563 | 375.49/C84c/79 | 79 | ||
49 | Leistungsturnen der Weg zum Gipsfelturnen | 10206556 | 375.49/C84c/70 | 70 | ||
50 | Man and his movement | 10206477 | 375.49/C84c/42 | 42 | ||
51 | Medical gymnastics including the schott (Nauheim) movements being a text-book of massage and mechanical therapeutics generally | 10206496 | 375.49/C84c/10 | 10 | ||
52 | Medicina gymnastica | 4th ed | 10206487 | 375.49/C84c/2 | 2 | |
53 | Notes on the movement-cure, on rational medical gymnastics, the diseases in which it is used and on scientific educational gymnastics ; The prevention of spinal deformities, especially of lateral curvatures, with notes on the causes, the artificial production, & the injurious modes of treatment of these complaints | 10206519 | 375.49/C84c/32-33 | 32-33 | ||
54 | On military training in schools ; Address to the National Federation of head teachers' associations at Cambridge ; Physical education and training in relation to National Defence ; On physical education ; Boy scouts ; The boy scouts movement ; [Typed letter signed from Lauder Brunton] | 10206566 | 375.49/C84c/47 | 47 | ||
55 | On the neglect of physical education & hygiene by parliament & the educational department, as the principal cause of the degeneration of the physique of the population, of the excessive infantile & general mortality, and of many diseases & deformities ; with an abstract of a report on the present state of physical education on the continent, by Dr. Roth's special commissioner ; and suggestions relative to the introduction of these neglected branches of national education | 10206518 | 375.49/C84c/34 | 34 | ||
56 | Parallel bar exercises | 10206552 | 375.49/C84c/64 | 64 | ||
57 | Physical education in England since 1800 | 10206562 | 375.49/C84c/78 | 78 | ||
58 | Principles of gymnastics for women and girls | [Pt. 1] Pt. 2 |
10206535 10206536 |
375.49/C84c/48-1 375.49/C84c/48-2 |
48-1 48-2 |
59 | Report of Inter-Departmental Committee on the Model Course of Physical Exercises. | 10206558 | 375.49/C84c/69 | 69 | ||
60 | Report of the Royal Commission on physical training (Scotland), vol. 1-2. | 10206557 | 375.49/C84c/68 | 68 | ||
61 | Somascétique naturelle, ou ciyrs analytique et gradué d'exercies propres a développer et a fortifier l'organisation humaine | 10206492 | 375.49/C84c/6 | 6 | ||
62 | Spiele zur Ǖbung und erholung des Körpers und des Geistes | 5 Aufl | 10206485 | 375.49/C84c/15 | 15 | |
63 | Spiele zur Ǖbung und erholung des Körpers und Geistes | 7 Aufl | 10206486 | 375.49/C84c/16 | 16 | |
64 | Spiele zur Uebung und erholung des Körpers und Geistes, für die Jugend, ihre Erzieher und alle Freunde, Unschuldiger, Jugendfreuden / gesammelt und praktisch bearbeitet von Gustsmuths | 3. verbesserte Aufl | 10206484 | 375.49/C84c/14 | 14 | |
65 | Sport and society | 10206560 | 375.49/C84c/72 | 72 | ||
66 | Sport in Greece and Rome | 10206478 | 375.49/C84c/76 | 76 | ||
67 | Sport, culture and society | 10206548 | 375.49/C84c/60 | 60 | ||
68 | Tests and measurements in health and physical education | 3rd ed | 10206549 | 375.49/C84c/61 | 61 | |
69 | The fresh-air book | 10206553 | 375.49/C84c/65 | 65 | ||
70 | The gymnasium and its fittings | 10206516 | 375.49/C84c/29 | 29 | ||
71 | The Olympic Games | 10206480 | 375.49/C84c/74 | 74 | ||
72 | The Prevention and cure of many chronic diseases by movements | 10206523 | 375.49/C84c/30 | 30 | ||
73 | The principles and practice of educational gymnastics for the use of officrrs and physical training instructors in His Majesty's Fleet | 10206555 | 375.49/C84c/67 | 67 | ||
74 | The sociology of sport | 10206540 | 375.49/C84c/52 | 52 | ||
75 | The special kinesiology of educational gymnastics | 10206514 | 375.49/C84c/27 | 27 | ||
76 | The theory of gymnastics | 10206546 | 375.49/C84c/58 | 58 | ||
77 | The theory of gymnastics | 3 ed. | 10206547 | 375.49/C84c/59 | 59 | |
78 | The Vaulting horse and how to use it | pt. 1: elementary | 10206537 | 375.49/C84c/49 | 49 | |
79 | Turnbuch für die Söhne des Vaterlandes | 10206483 | 375.49/C84c/12 | 12 | ||
80 | Volksturnbuch | 3., verb. u. verm. Aufl | 10206515 | 375.49/C84c/28 | 28 | |
81 | Vorturnern zu Rat und That | 2. Aufl | 10206488 | 375.49/C84c/3 | 3 | |
82 | Vorturnerübungen | 10206493 | 375.49/C84c/7 | 7 | ||
83 | Works on physical training and gymnastics | 10206544 | 375.49/C84c/56 | 56 |
福島大学フクニチャージ図書館(附属図書館) 〒960-1293 福島市金谷川1番地
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