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Parametrices for some pseudo-differential operators / 伊藤, 正人 , 1990-11-30
伊藤, 正人;Ito, Masato
Observed Conditions of Heat and Cool Islands / 渡辺, 明 , 1990-11-30
渡辺, 明;Watanabe, Akira
Methyl Groups of Solid Dimethylsulfoxide Studied by 1H-NMR Technique / 長谷部, 亨 , 1990-11-30
長谷部, 亨;Hasebe, Toru;佐藤, 理恵;Sato, Rie
Chemical Modification of Cotton Fabrics 4. Photografting of Methyl Methacrylate onto Cotton Fabrics by the Irradiation of Whole Range Light from a Hight-Pressure Mercury Lamp, and an Attempt to Aminate the Grafted Fabrics / 金澤, 等 , 1990-11-30
金澤, 等;Kanazawa, Hitoshi;赤津, 有紀子;Akatsu, Yukiko
Chemical Modification of Cotton Fabrics 5. Photografting of Acryl Amide onto Cotton Fabrics and the Hofmann Rearrangement of the Grafted Fabrics / 金澤, 等 , 1990-11-30
金澤, 等;Kanazawa, Hitoshi;金子, 美千代;Kaneko, Michiyo;赤津, 有紀子;Akatsu, Yukiko
Singular Perturbation Problems For Higher Order Differential Equations : Interior Transition Layer Prenomena, Multiple Solutions / 石井, 博行 , 1990-11-30
石井, 博行;Ishii, Hiroyuki